Non Stinky About Page Opening Lines that Seduce Like Crazy
Nov 01, 2018Pick up lines.
You gotta give pick up artists props for boldness and creativity.
Boldness and creativity may not get a Rico Suavé wannabe the hook up, but it sure goes a long way on your About page.
Remember a while back when I mentioned that I analyzed over 300 websites in search of the secret to good conversions?
On that journey of 300 sites I also read 100 About pages.
More if you count the random sites I’ve poked around in since then.
And you know what I found…carefully combined, I can take a few paper clips and fashion something that looks like a heart.
In other words, I found boredom!
The kind of boredom that activates a deep, please let this be over sigh.
The kind I’ve no doubt the pick up jesters get on the regular, complete with eye roll.
The kind that cost you buyers because the About page is a lot like speed dating.
You go into it hoping to make a connection and decide if you’re in the presence of Mr. Hell Yes or Mr. Hell No within a matter of seconds.
Those first couple of lines on your About page is the difference between a lingering glance or an eyeball roll and back button click – a hell yes or a hell no.
Don’t just take my word for it though.
You be the judge…
Which of these opening lines do you think get the most virtual digits:
•Share your life – couchsurfing
•I want to make every woman the most beautiful version of themselves – Charlotte Tilbury
•You are never alone in Shondaland. It’s where all the badasses live. -Shonda Rhimes
•No matter how small you start, start something that matters. -Brendon Burchard
•Leaders rely on us to bring their stories to vivid life -Duarte
•I’ll help you market and sell your products (and have fun doing it) even if you’re creatively challenged, hate selling and your marketing bones are dry as dust. -Liz Pabon
Yeah, they’re all pretty good because it’s clear where they stand, what they value and where you fit.
Most About pages open with well, About.
Not the stuff that second chances are made of.
What’s your About page open with?
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