10 No Good, Very Bad Things to do on Your About Page
Oct 31, 2018Sometimes you hunt for information and sometimes information finds you.
Like when you do a google search for Ketogenic recipes and land on a blog post that answered every question you had and a few you hadn’t thought about.
Or you found a product page featuring those green metallic sneakers you’ve been eyeballing from Free People and to your surprise, they’re on super duper sale.
Maybe you went looking for information about working off unwanted cellulite and ended up reading about fascia release.
No matter your online peck and hunt behavior, before you give someone your email address.
Before you share a post.
Before you make a purchase of any kind, what’s the first thing you do?
If you’re like me, and most of the free world, you check out the About page.
And if that page was designed and written with you in mind, you’re immediately hooked.
You feel at ease saying yes to a share, an opt-in even a sale.
If, on the other hand, the About page put you to sleep, sounded like a brag fest or read like a sales pitch you likely moved on.
Done right, an About page:
•Encourages a yes, to you and to your opt-in freebie
•Directs visitors to your methodology, how you do what you do uniquely
•Connects visitors to your personality, values and story
Essentially, if you’re not converting site visitors into interested subscribers, buyers and fans, then you’ve got a leak that needs plugging.
Follow the trail and you’ll likely see that visitors bounce after stopping at your About page.
And if you’re tracking a landing or opt-in page, chances are there was little to nothing about you which make visitors jittery and they bounce.
I repeatedly see 10 MAJOR MISTAKES that cost smart people like you traffic, buyers and sales.
Mistake #1 You Tell People What you Do
There is a place on your website to describe what you do but your About page isn’t that place (hint: it starts with an H and ends with an ome). A short one-liner describing what you do is a-ok but ‘what you do’ isn’t the primary objective. The truth is, few people write entertaining, inspiring, bond-worthy About pages and instead, present credentials. Your about page is a golden opportunity to create a tight bond of respect, trust and believability.
Mistake #2 You Forgot to Include a Photo
We want to know and see the face behind the voice! It’s better to share an outdated, goofy photo than no photo at all. A couple things you should also know – cartoon replicas of your face or photos taken from childhood are fun and sweet but ultimately, people want to see who they’re working with today. That also goes for photos of your fur and human babies. Share what you care about but keep yourself front and center. One last thing, in case no one has told you, those posed, arms across your chest photos are about as yawn worthy as they get. Click a fun selfie. Stand in an unusual position (that’s quite natural for you). Grab your surfboard, cello or paint brush. The point is, keep it interesting and authentically you.
Mistake #3 You Treat the About Page like a Sales Page (it isn’t)
Any selling you do on the About page falls under the category of soft sell. Of all your web pages, the About page is your opportunity to fascinate. It’s both a seductive and sensual page. Interrupting that alluring paragraph after paragraph flow with a pitch for your wares, feels hard, stiff and pokes your visitor in all the wrong places.
Mistake #4 You Don’t Address Objections
When a visitor makes it to your About page, they’re not sold on you (yet) but they’re curious enough to scan and read. Make this worth their time and relieve their concerns about you and what you can do for them, this is how you encourage and connect. Ask yourself, what would someone new to your world have about you or your work? Address them now and begin to create a confident trail to action.
Mistake #5 Did You Misplace Your Personality?
Insight into who you really are…that’s what people want to experience. But if your voice and tone are void of personality – even grumpy cat has personality – then you’re preventing people from knowing you, believing, trusting and respecting you. And that would be a shame for them, and you.
Mistake #6 Your Story is Weak
Nothing creates more natural texture and color than stories. Unlike the majority, I don’t believe you have one personal signature story. If you’re older than 10, you have loads of stories to tell! Like the time you dug your heels into the ground and persisted. Or the time you dragged a red wagon around town, going door-to-door, in the dead of winter, selling holiday wreaths because even as a kid financial independence meant something to you. Oh wait, that’s my story.
Mistake #7 You Forgot A Strong Opening Line
The About page is like speed dating. You go into it hoping to make a connection and decide if you’re in the presence of Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong within a matter of seconds. Those first couple of lines on your About page is the difference between a lingering glance or an eyeball roll and back button click – a hell yes or a hell no.
Mistake #8 You Have No Call to Action
If you’ve enticed your visitor to the bottom of your About page with words and pictures, don’t end it there. Offer them a way to sample your work through a report, audio, video or excerpt. Remember, they haven’t said yes to a long-term commitment. But, if you create an easy to follow bread crumb trail of yes’ along the way, you may just have a lifelong buyer on your hands.
Mistake #9 Your Page is Too Long & it Rambles On
Edit often. When you outline your About page, resist the urge to post your first draft. Write and then rewrite your About page eliminating anything that doesn’t directly support the three objectives of the page. A page that rambles on is difficult to read and easy to walk away from.
Mistake #10 You Don’t (at least) Hint at Your Methodology
Sketch out your methodology, your process, the way you do what you do unlike no other. Few people give this much thought and it’s a shame because to give your site visitor a peak behind your methods velvet rope creates trust and believability. Not to mention, it adds to your uniqueness and appeal.
Course correct using a few of the suggestions above and your About page will improve greatly.
Follow all 10 suggestions and you’ll have an About page that works for you while you sleep.
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